Is Brown Rice Syrup Paleo?

Woman checking food labellingBrown Rice Syrup – Is It Paleo?

Many protein bars that contain natural ingredients use brown rice syrup as a sweetener. Of course, if you are trying to maintain a paleo lifestyle and eating habit, you want to know whether or not brown rice syrup is paleo.

According to a post on the Paleo Hacks website, rice syrup is not paleo. However, the site does say that this sweetener is preferable to most other forms of sugar due to the fact that it is in the form of glucose vs fructose. Therefore, if you are going to consume sweetened food, this may be the option you want to choose.

I sometimes eat Odwalla snack bars, and they advertise their use of organic, natural and non-gmo ingredients. They use brown rice syrup in their products, along with other natural sweeteners like grape juice concentrate, date paste. I’m fine with that, since eating paleo 100% of the time can challenging these days to say the least.

“Is Brown Rice Syrup Paleo?” – what the experts say:

The Paleo Network says that there are no sweeteners that they consider paleo, but in their opinion, raw honey is the best option. Of course, not everyone agrees.

Jane’s Healthy Kitchen has an interesting list or paleo vs non-paleo sweeteners. Many items on the list (like lakanto, lou han gou, raw yacon syrup or African berries) you may have never heard of – and may hard-pressed to find them in a protein bar anyway.

paleolife bar

If you are looking for a paleo protein bar or snack bar that does not contain rice syrup or other sweeteners – natural or not – check out PaleoLife Bars.

Cara Rennie,
About the Author: Cara Rennie is a paleo cooking chef, writer and advocate for healthy living. With over a decade of experience in the culinary industry, Cara has established herself as an expert in the paleo lifestyle, emphasizing the use of natural ingredients that promote a balanced and sustainable lifestyle. She firmly believes in the power of food to transform people's lives, while helping others discover the joys of paleo eating. Facebook | Pinterest